Keefe Disability Law focuses our practice on educating the community about how the disabled can seek assistance from the government through the Social Security disability program. Let our attorneys help you navigate the complicated world of a Social Security disability claim and take action if you are denied.
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Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Benefits for a Loved One’s Work-Related DeathHas your loved one died from a work-related illness or injury? You may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits in Massachusetts. Learn more here.
What You Need to Know If You’ve Suffered a Spinal Cord Injury at WorkSpinal cord injuries are very serious types of injuries. Learn what you need to know to protect yourself if you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury at work.
New Research Shows Doctors Listen to Your Symptoms for Only 11 Seconds Before Interrupting. Three Things You Can Do to Lessen The Risk of Damage to Your Treatment, and To Your Disability Claim.Doctors interrupt you after 11 seconds. A written list of concerns will help the doctor, improve your medical care and help get your disability case approved.
How Quickly Can a Mass Tort Dangerous Drug Case Be Settled?Do you have questions about how long it takes to get settlement money in a dangerous drug mass tort case? Start getting the answers you deserve here.
How Social Security Disability Could Impact Your Long-Term Disability Insurance BenefitsFind out how Social Security disability may impact your long-term disability benefits and how an experienced disability lawyer can help you.
How Disability May Be Defined in Your Long-Term Disability PolicyNot every long-term disability policy defines disability in the same way. Learn how disability may be defined and how to know what definition applies to you.
How to Know If a Design Defect Caused Your Prescription Drug InjuryWhat is a prescription drug design defect? Find out here and learn what you can do to protect your rights if you have been hurt by a dangerous medication.
Your Guide to IVC Filter Risks and RecoveriesIVC filters can help prevent pulmonary embolisms, but they can also create dangerous complications. Learn more about the risks and your rights here.
ERISA May Be Important to Your Long-Term Disability BenefitsWhat is ERISA and how does it apply to your long-term disability benefits? Find out these answers and more here.
Injuries From Knee and Hip Replacement Implant SurgeriesHip and knee replacement implants can result in serious injuries. Learn about these injuries and how to reach a mass tort lawyer for a free case evaluation.
Proton Pump Inhibitors Linked to Serious Side EffectsPrilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, and other proton pump inhibitors may cause serious side effects. Learn about the risks and how a lawyer can help if you’re hurt.
Important Information for All Invokana UsersLearn about the risks of Invokana, government warnings about Invokana, and why to contact an experienced lawyer if you’ve suffered an Invokana injury.
Keefe Disability Law Newsletter September 2017Browse our September 2017 Newsletter
Understanding the Risks of Taking XareltoMedical injuries from Xarelto prescriptions can be severe, sometimes deadly. If you've been hurt, learn how to file a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer.
A Woman’s Guide to Social Security Disability for Cardiovascular ConditionsAll women should know the risks and symptoms of heart conditions and whether they may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. Learn more here.
Could You Have a Cardiovascular Condition That Qualifies for Social Security Disability?Before you can get disability benefits for cardiovascular disease, you must be diagnosed with a medical condition. Learn about symptoms and risk factors here.
What Cardiac Conditions Qualify for Social Security DisabilityDo you have a cardiovascular condition that may qualify you for Social Security disability benefits? Find out here.
Proving You Have a Cardiac Condition That Qualifies for Social Security Disability BenefitsLearn what kind of evidence you should provide with your Social Security disability application if you suffer from a cardiac condition and why it’s important.
Harvard Catholic Center Magazine: Father Joseph KeefeHarvard Catholic Magazine wrote about Joseph Keefe's long journey to priesthood.
Common Neoplastic Diseases That Result in Disability: Should You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?Do you suffer from a malignant neoplastic disease? Find out which conditions are in the Social Security Listing of Impairments and how to protect your benefits.