Millions of Americans have had knee replacement surgeries with the hope of improving their quality of life. For many people, knee replacement surgery is a success. However, for others, it is a painful nightmare with serious medical consequences.
What Could Go Wrong With a Knee Replacement?
After a knee replacement surgery, you could suffer:
- Swelling
- Stiffness
- Pain
- Nerve damage
- Tissue damage
- Blood clots
- An infection
These problems may occur when the cushioning between the different components of the knee replacement device wear down. This deterioration of the cushioning could happen, without any negligence or wrongdoing, over time.
Knee replacement injuries can also happen sooner and require further surgeries if the knee replacement device was negligently designed or manufactured or if the pharmaceutical company failed to provide adequate warnings about its knee replacement product. For example, a knee replacement device can cause a severe injury that never should have happened if:
- The knee replacement was marketed as safe, but the manufacturer knew from its own testing that it was not safe
- The knee replacement was marketed as safe, but the manufacturer should have known that it was not safe based on testing that happened or should have happened
- The design of the knee replacement was defective
- The knee replacement manufacturing process deviated from the approved design
Several well-known medical device manufacturers have had some version of their knee replacement devices recalled, including:
- DePuy
- Biomet
- Smith & Nephew
- Stryker
- Wright Medical
- Zimmer
How to Know What Caused Your Knee Replacement Injury
Some knee replacements fail because of a problem with a part of the knee replacement device, as described above. Other knee replacements fail because of a doctor’s negligence.
You deserve to make a fair legal recovery whether your injury occurred because of a defective medical device or medical malpractice. However, to make that recovery, you need to know the cause of your injury so that you can identify the right defendants and bring the correct type of lawsuit.
When you begin experiencing pain or other symptoms of a premature knee replacement failure, you likely don’t know precisely why you are hurt or who caused your injury. However, our medical device injury attorneys can help you find out. We can:
- Gather and review your medical records. One of the first things we need to know is what type of knee replacement device was implanted in your body. We also need to know more about your injury, medical treatment, prognosis, and the impact of your injury on your life.
- Determine if other people suffered similar injuries from the same product. If multiple people suffered similar injuries from the same knee replacement device, then you may be able to join together in multi-district litigation to protect your legal rights and recovery.
- Advise you about your legal options. You may be able to pursue your own case, or you may benefit from starting or joining a mass tort action. In a mass tort action, you retain control over your own lawsuit, but you can join with other people who are similarly injured in the costs and burden of litigation.
- Advocate for your complete recovery. We will fight hard to settle your claim with the pharmaceutical company or get you the compensation that you deserve in court.
There is no time to waste. You had knee replacement surgery to improve your quality of life, but instead, your quality of life is worse because of a pharmaceutical company’s negligence.
Let our knee replacement injury lawyers help you hold the pharmaceutical company accountable and recover for your past and future:
- Healthcare costs. Your medical expenses may include but are not limited to knee revision surgeries, hospitalizations, medications, doctors’ visits, and physical therapy sessions.
- Lost income. Any money or benefits that you cannot earn due to your knee replacement failure should be compensated.
- Pain and suffering. A failed knee replacement can cause extreme physical pain and emotional suffering. You can be compensated for your pain and suffering in a lawsuit settlement or verdict.
- Other damages. We will fight for all of the damages allowed by law.
Are You Looking for a Mass Tort Attorney in Boston, MA?
If you have been injured by a defective medical device you need to speak with an experienced mass torts lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Natick Office directly at 888.904.6847 to schedule your free consultation.
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