Every month you wait in anticipation for your disability funds to clear in your bank account. However, once the payment arrives, you’re so relieved that you have money that you just balance your budget and pay bills without even really noticing if the payment is correct. You essentially trust that the Social Security Administration (SSA) knows what it is doing.
Unfortunately, mistakes have been known to occur, especially when it comes to yearly adjustments for cost of living (COLA).
COLA Trends and How They Affect Your Disability Payments
Legislation for cost of living adjustments was enacted in 1973 in order to make sure supplemental income and disability payments keep pace with inflation. They’re based on an average percentage derived from the previous year’s inflation increase. This means that if gas prices go up, or the cost of milk goes up a $1.00, your disability payments need to reflect that increase. The basic assumption is that disability is supposed to offset living costs, so if those living costs increase, benefits should also increase.
The SSA states that at the end of every year, data taken from the Consumer Price Index is entered into a specifically designated formula to determine how much the cost of living increased over that year. Over the last 10 years, the average cost of living increase was 2.7%. Maximum montly payments have increased from $579 for an individual and $869 for a family in 2005 to $733 for an individual and $1100 for a family in 2015.
Does Your Disability Deserve More?
Calculating how much your disability payments should be can be extremely confusing, especially when you need to factor in cost of living increases. However, we can help!
If you’ve relied on disability for years without seeing any change or increase in your payments, or just need help verifying your payments are correct contact us today. Our extensive knowledge and experience with disability law will help give you a better understanding of your rights and payments. Our support will also make sure that you’re not being taken advantage of or “forgotten about” by the SSA. We can help ensure you get what you deserve.
Call us now at 508-283-5500 and see why hundreds of people before you have trusted us to secure their future payments.
Need more information about your disability rights? Please feel free to download our free guide on understanding disability, Five Most Frequently Asked Questions about Social Security Disability. You’ll not only learn more about your rights and claim options, but you’ll also see how our knowledge and experience can help you get the justice you deserve.
Are You Looking for a Social Security Disability Attorney in Boston, MA?
If you are looking to apply for social security disability, you need to speak with an experienced social security disability lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Natick Office directly at 508.283.5500 to schedule your free consultation.
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