Hi, I'm Patrick Hartwig, and I'm a Social Security Disability Attorney in Massachusetts.
James first called me after he had just appeared at his Social Security hearing without an attorney. He was 51 years old and had lost his job at UPS due to repeated shoulder injuries that led to a right shoulder replacement.
"Somebody pushed a car over on me, a car landed on me in my garage. I have very, very limited range of motion with my dominant arm, my shoulder, and my neck and upper back."
He showed up at his hearing unprepared completely. The judge postponed the hearing and told him he would be better off hiring a representative to help him with his claim. Unfortunately, that gave us very little time to get prepared for our day in court.
"I had two attorneys prior to him. One of them had told me that when I was 47 or so, he says, 'You're not old enough to get Social Security,' which was dead wrong. And I asked a friend of mine, his brother's an attorney, and he said, 'That's wrong, you need to find another attorney.' And then I found Patrick, and it just took off from there."
At the hearing that day, we gave the judge a very detailed outline of all the objective evidence in James' case and the support from all of his doctors. It was effortless since I met him, absolutely effortless. Before, it was a pain. It was a long process. It wasn't going well with other attorneys, and I'm just really glad I found him. It was so easy after that.
In the end, James was approved for disability benefits. I would recommend Attorney Hartwig hands down, no questions asked.
Now, I know you may have questions that are specific to you, and I may be able to help you. If you have questions, pick up the phone and call me at the number below. Social Security Disability is all I do.
I'm Patrick Hartwig. Thanks for watching. Have a great day.