When you or a loved one applies for benefits with the Social Security Administration, you need to know how to fill out your claim properly and what benefits you are entitled to. Watch the Massachusetts disability lawyers of Keefe Disability Law explain more in this video clip.
Over the years, our attorneys have seen Social Security claimants make the same mistakes over and over due to the misunderstandings about the SSD and SSI programs. This is why Keefe Disability Law has developed an interesting and useful website to not only inform claimants about the claims process, but also to advise them on how to avoid common mistakes when applying for benefits from Social Security. We can help you apply and win benefits from SSA based on your disabilities, and we handle cases before the Social Security Administration in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island.
If you or a loved one has a physical or mental illness that prevents them from working a full time job, please call a knowledgeable Massachusetts Social Security Disability attorney today at 888-904-6847. You can also visit our website to educate yourself with our frequently asked questions, library articles and other helpful resources.