When you are going through the Massachusetts Social Security Disability claim review process, you may have many questions and complaints. Sometimes it helps to know what types of complaints others that have been in your situation have faced. Watch this video as Keefe Disability Law explains some of the frustrations claimants face when applying for SSDI and SSI benefits.
A common complaint from claimants is that Social Security has asked for the same information again and again. One of the reasons they may ask you for the same information is because of the time that has passed. For example, if four or six months have gone by, they will check to see if you have new doctors and new symptoms etc. Also, if this is the second review of your case after an appeal, the SSA will have sent your case to a new decision maker who will request the information again. Although you may feel that they are asking for the same documents and information again, the best thing you can do is to supply the SSA with all your information in a timely manner.
If you are denied after submitting all that information, you need to appeal the denial because your doctors may not have responded or the SSA may have forgotten to check with all your doctors. There are many reasons why your claim can get denied. Turn to a skilled Massachusetts disability lawyer with experience in handling these cases, and call Keefe Disability Law at 888-904-6847. You can also visit our website to view our frequently asked questions.